The MIN FEE ADD ON formula lets you assess a fee on top of the sum of all other fees Civic Platform assesses on an application. For example, if the sum of all assessed fees is $35.00 and you want to always charge a minimum fee of $50.00, the MIN_FEE_ADD_ON formula makes up the difference of $15.00.
You can set up a minimum parameter so that the total sum of all assessed fees never falls below the minimum. You can also determine a base fee that you want to add onto the minimum fee. If the sum of all assessed fees is above the minimum fee, the MIN_FEE_ADD_ON formula does not affect the fee balance in any way.
Civic Platform calculates a subtotal of the fees, minus the MIN_FEE_ADD_ON fee, and compares the subtotal to the min parameter. If the subtotal is less than the min parameter, then Civic Platform enters a value in the MIN_FEE_ADD_ON fee so that the total (including the MIN_FEE_ADD_ON fee) equals to the min parameter. If the subtotal is greater than or equals to the min parameter, then Civic Platform enters zero in the MIN_FEE_ADD_ON fee.
Input Parameter Format
There are two fees: Electrical fee of $35, and Planning Review fee of $10.
The subtotal is $35 + $10 = $45, which is less than 50.
The user enter 1 unit for MIN_FEE_ADD_ON fee. Civic Platform enters $5 to this MIN_FEE_ADD_ON fee. The total fee then is $50.
Input Parameter Definitions
a | The fee factor used to multiply the subgroup total. |
b | The base fee that you want to assess in addition to any minimum fee. |
min | The minimum fee that you want to assess independent of the total sum of all fee items Civic Platform already assessed. |
max | The maximum fee that you want to assess |