
Civic Platform, Mobile Office


System Switch


This Standard Choice customizes the tree view on the Linked Assets tab.

Figure: Customized Linked Assets Tree in Civic Platform

Figure: Customized Linked Assets Tree in Mobile Office

Table 1. ASSET_TREE_NODE_CONFIG Standard Choice Values
Standard Choice Value Value Description Description
MASK Enter one or more of the following parameters, separated with special characters such as slashes “/” or stars “*”:





The value defines the information that a child asset node displays in the tree view on the Linked Assets tab.

In the Value Description, each parameter specifies the information that displays at each child asset node, such as asset ID, asset name, date of service, and then status.

See Figure 1 and Figure 2 as illustrative examples.

MAX_LENGTH Enter a number The value specifies the maximum length of a child asset node in the tree view on the Linked Assets tab.

For example, if the value description is 100, then a child asset node can display up to 100 characters.