Installing an LDAP SSL Certificate
Civic Platform supports access, by way of LDAP protocols, to external users in Microsoft Active Directory and Novell eDirectory.
Before You Begin
You must add the trusted certificate for the secure LDAP server to the trusted cacert file on You must configure your file to point to this location.
The certificate name is ldapCA.cer and it resides in the conf directory.
- The certificate alias must include your agency name, as in this example:
- The java certificate store is as follows:
To install an LDAP SSL certificate
Go to a command prompt and enter:
Cd <drive:>\Accela\av.home Cd %AA_AS_HOME%\conf keytool -import -alias myagencyid_ldapca_cert -file "ldapCA.cer " -keystore "%AA_AS_HOME%\conf\trusted_cacerts" -storepass "changeit"
The default file contains this additional information:
#HTTS and LDAPS require the SSL Certificates to reside in a trusted certificates store.
av.ssl.trustStore=${jboss.server.home.dir}\\conf\\certs\\trusted_cacerts av.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
Restart all services.