
Civic Platform, Mobile Office


System Switch


This Standard Choice changes the behavior of the status date in conditions and conditions of approval. When you configure this Standard Choice, Civic Platform only updates the status date when you satisfy the conditions or conditions of approval.

Standard Choice values can include:

Yes. Save Applied conditions (including conditions of approval) without a status date. When users click Override Met Status and Mark condition As Pending actions on conditions of approval, the system clears the condition status date. If the condition status type is Not Applied, the field value always defaults to the date of the last status change, unless users specify a different date.

No. The field value always defaults to the date of the last status change, unless users specify a different date or remove the date from the field.

When users edit the condition status:

  • In Civic Platform, you can create an expression to clear the status date field when users set the condition status to applied.

  • Mobile Office can clear the status date (resolved date) when users edit the condition status to Applied.