Configure the Login Page
Civic Platform allows the Login page to be customized with your agency logo. Civic Platform also provides an option for your agency to automatically log off users after a period of inactivity. |
Figure: Login page example
Run an SQL script in the database to add the standard-data for your agency logo. Initialize these values in the SQL script before running the script.
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | header.url | Define the header URL for Host login. | |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | content.url | Define the content URL for Host login. | |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | footer.url | Define the footer URL for Host login. | |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | support.url | support/crconline.asp | Define the support URL for Host login. |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | use.newloginpage | true | Define whether use the new login. |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | top.icon.url | ${av.web.url} /portlets/login/ login50x50.jpg | Define the top icon URL for new login. |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | top.icon.label | Civic Platform | Define the top label for new login. |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | display.accela.logo | true | Define whether to display the Accela icon for new login. |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | automatic.logout | false | Define whether to enable the automatic-logout. |
STANDARDDATA | LoginPolicy | Global | sso.session.timeout | 7200 | Define the time interval between inactivity and automatic-logout. |
IMPORTANT: Also make these updates in the DATA1 field of the XPOLICY table. After updating the settings, restart the JBoss servers, av.web, and av.cfmx.
Script for Oracle
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='header.url';
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='content.url';
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='footer.url';
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='support.url';
Script for MSSQL
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='header.url'
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='content.url'
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='footer.url'
update xpolicy set data2='' where serv_prov_code='STANDARDDATA' and policy_name='LoginPolicy' and level_data='support.url'