Fixed bugs

Civic Platform 21.1 includes all fixed customer-reported bugs and enhancements from all Civic Platform 20.2.x Service Packs through version 20.2.4.

Civic Platform 20.2.x Release Notes are available in the Documentation Library within the Accela Community.

Fixed bugs

Civic Platform

Case ID Release Note

Previously, when an LDAP user attempted to log in using single sign on (SSO), login failed with Invalid Password Exception.

Now, SSO works as expected for LDAP users.

537389 Previously when using JSAGIS, XAPO data was only searchable when Silverlight was enabled. Now, Silverlight no longer needs to be enabled.

Previously, users assigned delegate rights as part of a Parcel, Owner, or License Professional group were not able to attach documents or amend records if delegated permissions allowed them to do so. Now, Parcel, Owner, or License Professional group delegate user with permission may attach documents or amend records.

Note: This fix is 'for person roles' specifically. This returns delegation rights to license, owner, and contact roles/groups. This fix does not grant inheritance rights to Address or Parcel roles/groups.
00599373 When adding multiple Cost Items to a Work Order, subsequent items automatically fill with information from the first item (such as Type, Date, Unit in Chrome and Internet Explorer).




The Text Area field attribute in a Custom Form and Custom List now wraps as expected in both Chrome and Internet Explorer.
00691136 While on a Record > Communication detail tab > Communication Detail, the Print Page action now fully prints the displayed page.



On the Communication Manager page, the Refresh icon has been removed from the left tree structure panel. However, on the Communication Manager detail tab, the Refresh button action works as expected.
00888986 The default Staff Assigned To the Workflow Task using Workflow Designer displays as a task card on the Task Dashboard.
N/A This release corrects the usage of INSTANCE_NO in to use the value instead of jboss.bind.address. This enables proper behavior when addressing batch jobs to batch servers. However, when the Standard Choice BATCH_JOB_SERVER is defined, batch jobs stop processing with this update when the value is different from the jboss.bind.address value. BATCH_JOB_SERVER needs to be updated by the value of instead of jboss.bind.address.
19ACC-00096752 Previously, an issue occurred when Record types with similar names were not fully displaying in the Oxygen UI, but were displaying in v360. Now, Record types with similar names appear in both.
00887298 Resolves cross-site scripting errors found when using uncommon special characters.
00401896 Previously when searching in the Reference Contact portlet using information from the Also Known As tab of a record, no results were returned. Now it works as expected.



Previously, the AppHierarchyAddAfter event that usually triggers when a related record is added in Civic Platform back office was not working. Now it triggers as expected.










When customizing a Console Configuration through the Administration view, the browser no longer enters a reload loop.
N/A In this release, we provide our secure com.accela.aa.emse.util.AAInitialContext as replacement of javax.naming.InitialContext in the use of EMSE Scripting. With the new secure replacement, everything still works fine.
N/A In multi-database environments, it is now possible to import or export Console Configuration in Data Manager.
N/A The Data Manager Import Job by default excludes selection of EDMS Standard Choice. This means that, by default, Data Manager Import Job will not Import/Override the EDMS Standard Choice configuration. User is still able to manually select EDMS and import.






Previously in Accela Mobile, searching by Record ID returned multiple incorrect results. Now, it functions correctly.

Previously, after opening a record and changing the status of an inspection, the record information would display in the inspection space instead of the inspection information. Now, the correct information displays in the inspection space.


These items are now ADA compliant: 

  • Text content now exceeds the AA color contrast ratio (CCR) of 4.5 for any size text or 3.1 for large and/or bolded text.

  • Screen reader now reads tab order correctly and reads keyboard-focused items.

  • Screen reader now correctly identifies required fields marked on the screen.

  • Headers are now correctly marked with semantic header tags.

  • Heading tags are now correctly marked with ARIA attributes.

Citizen Access

Case ID Release Note
416879 Previously in ACA, a citizen was able to make a payment for a record with a locked status. Now, a payment cannot be made for a record with a locked status.
429927 Previously when selecting a work location in ACA, the "product=" in the URL was empty. Now, the URL includes the ACA product and the proper map is displayed.
780396 Previously when viewing License Professional information in ACA, HTML tags were displayed. Now, the HTML tags are removed and the correct information is displayed.

Known issues

Civic Platform

Case ID Release Note
N/A New Record Type Definition is not compatible with multi-language configuration (i18n settings).