Configure Server Constants
The basic configuration involves configuring server constants and setting up the time alert function. Refer to Table 1 for the specific server constant names and values. Use Table 2 to understand the purpose and values of each constant required for configuring the time alert function.
Agency | Server Constant Name | Server Constant Value |
STANDARDDATA | TIME_ALERT_MONITOR_INTERVAL | Any number (tfeunit: second) |
STANDARDDATA | JOB_MANAGER_DEAD_TIME | Any number (unit: hour) |
Specific Agency* | TIMEALERT_FLAG | Y or N |
Specific Agency* | TIMEALERT_MONITOR_SR_INTERVAL_H | Any number (unit: hour) |
* Specific Agency means the application agency such as NOLA, Flagstaff.
Server Constant Name | Where to Add | Value | Description |
TIMEALERT_JOB | STANDARDDATA Agency | Y | Starts up the daemon process for Time Alert scanning and triggering in the JBoss server. |
TIMEALERT_ MONITOR_ INTERVAL | STANDARDDATA Agency | Seconds numeric value. Example: For 10 minutes, enter 600 (seconds). | Defines the delay interval for each Time Alert daemon scanning. |
JOB_MANAGER_ DEAD_TIME | STANDARDDATA Agency | Minutes numeric value. Example: For 8 hours, enter 480 (minutes). | Determines if the server is available. Civic Platform uses this in load balancing the web server. |
TIMEALERT_ FLAG | Specific Agency | Y | Enables the Time Alert functionality in the specified agency. |
TIMEALERT_ MONITOR_SR_ INTERVAL_H | Specific Agency | Minutes numeric value. Example: For 12 hours, enter 720 (minutes). | Sets the Timed Alert scanning daemon to only count those CAPs created or updated within the specified hours (calculated backward from the current time to the past time). |