Database Guidelines

Planning the Database Installation

Civic Platform requires an Oracle or MS SQL database server and database.

  • Refer to the database vendor documentation to set up your database, and follow the database vendor's recommendations to ensure proper database installation.

  • Check the network connections and driver connections. The database ports and connection parameters are listed in Network Ports.

  • Refer to Supported Environments for supported database versions.
  • For multi-language (i8Ln) support, ensure that the database supports unicode.

The following are database planning guidelines respective to your database server:


  • When planning for your Oracle installation, Accela recommends that a dedicated Oracle instance should be allocated for Accela usage.

  • Allocate a database size that accommodates the sum of your agency's historical converted data plus anticipated usage growth over a number of years. The anticipated usage growth is generally a factor of 20 KB per record times the number of records annually (where a record is an application record and all of its metadata). Note that the 25 KB per record guideline does not include the size of the electronic documents, which are typically stored outside the Accela database.

MS SQL Server

  • Create a user account with SYSADMIN role and specify the user's default database as the master.

  • Allocate a database size that accommodates the sum of your agency's historical converted data plus anticipated usage growth over a number of years. The anticipated usage growth is generally a factor of 20 KB per record times the number of records annually (where a record is an application record and all of its metadata). Note that the 25 KB per record guideline does not include the size of the electronic documents, which are typically stored outside the Accela database.

  • Recommended: MS SQL Server should be on the same subnet as the biz server.