Examining the Time Accounting Details

The table below lists and defines the fields that may be available on the Time Accounting portlet. Fields are listed in alphabetical order (default names are used).


Time Accounting Fields

Table 1. Time Accounting Fields
Billable Defines whether the agency can bill for this type.
Cost If you set 0 or empty in Hourly Rate, you can enter a value for this Cost field. If there is no time value in Detail Time Elapsed, Civic Platform calculates the cost with the following formula:
Cost = Hourly Rate * Percent * Time Elapsed 
If you specify time value in Detail Time Elapsed, Civic Platform calculates the cost with this formula:
Cost = Hourly Rate * Percent * (Cost Factor #1 * Detail Time Elapsed #1 + Cost Factor #2 * Detail Time Elapsed #2 +...+ Cost Factor #n * Detail Time Elapsed #n)
Cost of Materials The total cost for the materials used.
Created By The agency user who added the record. Read-only field.
Created Date The date when you created the record. Read-only field.
Date Logged The date that the time accounting record is logged.
Detail Time Elapsed The time spent by cost factors for the time accounting.

Civic Platform validates that the total time given to each cost factor is equal to the time in the Time Elapsed field.

End Miles The number listed on the odometer on the agency vehicle at the end of your use.
End Time The time in the End Time fields that you finished work on the application. The application validates that the elapsed time equals to the difference between the start and end time.
Entity The actual entity (activity, condition assessment, inspection, workflow, or work order task) you are creating the time accounting record for.
Entity Type The entity type. If none of the options are applicable, select N/A.
Hourly Rate The hourly rate, according to the user’s profile. The user can enter a positive or negative value. If the user has access to edit the field, the rate specified by the agency for the Time Accounting type displays. If the field is read-only, the default value is 0.0.
Materials The materials used for this application.
Notation Comments about the application.
Percent The percentage point for calculating the cost. 50 stands for 50%, 80 stands for 80%, and 150 stands for 150%. Specially, both 0 and 100 stand for 100%.
Reference Record The reference record for which you create the time accounting. You can further select the actual entity (activity, workflow, and so forth) in the Entity field. Leave the field as N/A if no reference record is applicable.
Start Miles The number listed on the odometer on the agency vehicle at the beginning of your use.
Start Time The Start Time fields that you began work on the application. The application validates that the elapsed time equals to the difference between the start and end time.
Time Accounting Group The time accounting groups which the user(s) in the User ID field has permission to view or edit.
Time Accounting Type The time accounting types within the selected time accounting group which the user(s) in the User ID field has permission to view or edit.
Time Elapsed The time that you want to log for the time accounting. If you enter the Start Time and End Time, the total time between the recorded Start and End times automatically populates in this field.
Total Miles The number of miles logged on the agency vehicle you used during this application.
User ID The user identification for the individual you are creating the time accounting for. If you select multiple users in the field, you can only select a time accounting type from the Time Accounting Type field that applies to all the selected users. When you submit the time accounting entry, Civic Platform saves the same entry for all users.
Vehicle ID Select the identification number from the drop-down list for agency vehicles used during this activity. Users can only enter Vehicle IDs if the vehicle was not used for activities related to a specific Time Accounting type.

Equipments and Material Cost Fields

Table 2. Equipment and Material Cost Fields
Cost The field is read-only. Civic Platform automatically calculates the cost according to the formula below:
Total Cost = Fixed Rate + Unit Rate * (Cost Factor #1 * Quantity #1 + Cost Factor #2 * Quantity #2 +...+ Cost Factor #n * Quantity #n)
Cost Item The cost item.
Cost Date The date when the cost occurred.
Cost Type The appropriate cost type, such as: contract, employee, materials.
Fixed Rate The fixed cost amount to use for the cost item, identified with the unit of measure as hours, dollars, and so forth. The field can display a default unit rate that your agency administrator configured. You can change the value as needed.
Quantity The quantity of items, by cost factors, included in this cost item. The field displays only one cost factor by default, which is the default cost factor of the cost item, or the first cost factor configured in the Standard Choice COST_FACTOR where no default cost factor exists. You can click the down arrow below the cost factor field to view more cost factors, and enter values for one or more cost factors.
Unit of Measure The unit of measure for the cost item.
Unit Rate The unit cost amount to use for the cost item. The field can display a default unit rate that your agency administrator configured. You can change the value as needed.